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My top 6... songs that start with sirens

Update 2024-01-19

Since this is far and away the most popular post on my blog I thought it warranted an update. Mostly prompted by H W who emailed me some suggestions and then I saw that the post was filled with broken links and images. I removed comments from the blog ages ago because of the amount of spam but feel free get in touch if you think there are any glaring omissions!


I was absolutely sure there were tons of songs with sirens at the beginning so I thought that was ripe for a playlist - while that may be true, tracking them down turned out to be tricky but I managed to rustle up enough (with help!) for a “my top 6” post.

First up obviously (well it was obvious to me)…

Extras start here - please feel free to suggest any I’ve missed

Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39