Everything's swirling

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50 albums: 1968 - Os Mutantes by Os Mutantes

Os Mutantes
I've been aware of Os Mutantes without really paying too much attention for many years, maybe it was an unconscious UK/US bias to my listening that led me to not put them onto my listening list sooner. This is my first proper listen to the first Os Mutantes album and it's more varied, and in places more beautiful than I imagined it would be, I'm not too sure what I was expecting, maybe something a little more of a one-trick-pony, but the variety and imagination is clear from the outset. This is an album just overflowing with a bright and cheery oddness.

Having mentioned my UK/US rock bias it's probably worth adding that this is augmented by feeling very uncomfortable (and quite useless) when people sing in a language I don't understand.

OK - five albums in and already on my second Brazilian one!

Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39