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My Top 6…TV theme songs

I'm not entirely sure this will make it to six but here goes...

  • Jacky - White Horses

    I remember loving this show although don't ask me what it was about and maybe I only loved the theme song and one other aspect of the show (young teenage boys think like that). Britta Phillips & Dean Wareham do a lovely version on their new album - and there's also a French version they've recorded as well although I've not heard that as yet.
  • Nerf Herder - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Theme

    I've watched a hell of a lot of BtVS over the last couple of years - and I mean lots and lots and lots and I still haven't got bored of drumming on my legs during the theme tune - which I guess means that it's a tune I'll never get bored of.
  • Scooby Doo, Where Are You - David Mook

    Timeless - it's always jarring to catch a Scooby Doo that doesn't have the classic theme song. I also am quite fond of all those bubblegummy chase scene songs they had.
  • Roobarb Theme - Johhny Hawksworth

    This is just brilliant - it pops into my head at completely random moments and always makes me smile!
  • Quincy Jones - Ironside

    This, rather than being "timeless", is just so beautifully of its time!
  • Futurama Theme - dunno but probably Christopher Tyng

    Another one, like BtVS that I don't seem to get bored with.

OK - I made it and I've missed out plenty...

Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39