Everything's swirling

It's what I am.

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Just dug this one out #33: Kiss - Alive II

OK, the full shame of my ownership of Kiss Alive II is documented in this previous post about Neil Young's Live Rust but the long and the short of it is that I swapped a great live album for this bollocks. At the height of my metal period the music I liked was very much of the rough and ballsy British metal kind rather than this overly polished US bombast so I'm not sure that even after first listen that I believed I'd made a good trade. The album has no real energy - it sounds like a studio album with over-dubbed audience, although AMG suggests that it was sort of the other way round recorded live then stdio polished).

I did have a few other Kiss albums in my collection but pretty sure they never got listened to. There was a time when you could pretty much get the whole Kiss back-catalogue for virtually nothing in the cut-out bins in most record stores.

I have to admit that I haven't been rigorous in my revisit and prolific use of the skip button got me through it, but there was nothing that makes me think I'll ever go back to it.

Anyway... Kiss popped into my head because of this hilarious photo that someone tweeted...

The next album I dig out really should probably try and restore some cred that this one has surely lost!

Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39