Everything's swirling

It's what I am.

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Me at 19

Over on Facebook in one of those... 'social' things that happen I was asked to answer a few questions about a randomly offered age. I was given 19, I was disappointed... I was much cooler at 20 (and much cooler than that at 35!).

The age I was given by Chris was 19... it was 1983

Viva... mine was blue and a 2-door

Where I lived: Cobham, Surrey (actually a small village outside called Downside - to some it was idyllic to me it was oppressive).

What I drove: 1971 Vauxhall Viva HC (best car I ever owned, cost me £200 and I treated it very badly)

What I did: Warehouse supervisor (I was the only employee, I supervised myself)

Who had my heart: Motörhead (but they were about to lose it to REM, The Long Ryders and The Pogues)

My age now is 49, but only for a few more weeks.

Where I live: Hanwell, West London (about 7 miles from where I was born in Fulham)

What I ride: Dawes Discovery 301

What I do: Webmaster at The National Archives. Also, A Head Full of Wishes.

Who has my heart: Hazel and Adam (and Galaxie 500)

Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39