Everything's swirling

It's what I am.

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Ahhh...The New Year

Not only has it been a four year wait for this album but it's been a nine month wait since they announced the new album...but now it's less than a month away. The new album by The New Year is called The New Year and rccrdlbl.com has a track from it to download and it's...well...unmistakably a track by The New Year.

As if the wait hasn't been unbearable enough Touch and Go have been putting out occasional "teaser trailers" which just make clear that 30 seconds of The New Year just isn't enough. Here's the proof...

09/09/08 still seems too far away...

...and they'll be over here in November - that'll get me off my lazy arse...

...and at the Luminaire...it just keeps getting sweeter...

Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39